“William Shenstone and the Fairy Landscape”, Georgian Group Journal, 1986.
“Unhealthy Prospect”, Country Life, 7 May 1987.
“Saving the Wizard’s Landscape”, with Stewart Harding, Country Life, 14 April 1988
“Thomas Wright at Stoke Park”, Garden History, 17: 1, 1989
The English Garden Tour, with Mavis Batey (John Murray, 1990)
Researching a Garden's History (Landscape Design Trust, 1991, 1994, 1996)
A Gazetteer of Historic Parks and Gardens in Avon, with Stewart Harding (Avon County Council, 1992)
Public Prospects: historic urban parks under threat (Garden History Society and Victorian Society, 1993)
Historic Parks and Gardens of Avon, with Stewart Harding (1994)
Arcadian Thames, with Mavis Batey, Henrietta Buttery and Kim Wilkie (1995)
“Public Parks: A Rant,” The London Gardener, 1995
“Historic Parks and Gardens: a review of legislation, policy guidance and significant court and appeal decisions”, Journal of Planning and Environment Law, July 1995
“The Perambulator” columns in The London Gardener, annual, 1995 to date.
‘”The Poet’s Feeling”: aspects of the Picturesque in contemporary literature, 1794-1815,’ Garden History, 24:1, 1996.
“Public Parks and the Lottery Millions,” The London Gardener, 1996
“Planning Law, Present and Future and the Register within the Planning System”, Gerddi, 1997.
Historic Parks and Gardens in the Planning System: a Handbook, with Christopher Dingwall (Landscape Design Trust, 1997)
“New Labour and Old Gardens,” The London Gardener, 1997
Historic Public Parks of Weston-super-Mare (1998)
Four Purbeck Arcadias (New Arcadian Press, 1998)
“Top-Down, Bottom-Up?”, The London Gardener, 1998
Guide London (1999)
“Politics and parks: renaissance and inertia”, Cultural Trends 35, 1999.
“These Trees Must Die!”, The London Gardener, 1999
Documentary Notes: The Thames Archive Project (Public Art Development Trust, 2000)
Historic Public Parks of Bristol (Bristol 2000)
Indignation: the Campaign for Conservation, with Mavis Batey and Kim Wilkie (Barn Elms, 2000)
“A tale of two cities: new public spaces in Paris”, Landscape Design, September 2000
"Buildings and Monuments", with Hazel Conway, in The Regeneration of Public Parks (Spon: 2000)
“The Power of ‘Power of Place’,” The London Gardener, 2000
“Public parks and living cities”, Context 72, December 2001.
“Places need People: Whose Heritage?,” The London Gardener, 2001
“The Heritage Lottery Fund’s Urban Parks Programme”, Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, vol.46, 2002.
The Heritage Lottery Fund’s Urban Parks Programme, Urban Parks Forum, Occasional Paper, 2002.
Post-war Gardens and Landscapes in the UK: a provisional history for the post-war period, www.gardenhistorysociety.org, 2002.
“The prospect of trade: the merchant gardeners of Bristol in the second half of the eighteenth century” in Bourgeois and Aristocratic Cultural Encounters in Garden Art, 1550-1850, Harvard University, 2002
“Meaningful community participation is not cheap”, Landscape Design, June 2002
“Time for a Vision”, Burgess Park: a new urban landscape for London, 2002
“Lost in Space?,” The London Gardener, 2002
“Victims of golf course blight”, New Statesman, 1 December 2003.
‘Gardens at Risk’, The Economist, 2003
“A Welcome to our New Champion,” The London Gardener, 2003
“The Gateway Project”, in Opening Doors: Learning in the Historic Environment, Attingham Trust 2004.
“Parkitechture?,” The London Gardener, 2004
Allotments, CABE Space Enablers Briefing Paper, 2005
Caring for Historic Parkland, English Heritage / DEFRA leaflet, 2005
The Park Keeper, English Heritage, 2005 https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/the-park-keeper/
‘Dazzled by Design?’, Green Places 15, May 2005
“Don’t Eat the Ducks,” The London Gardener, 2005
Commons, Heaths and Greens in Greater London, 2005 Historic England Research Report 50/2014
‘The History of the Country Park, 1966-2005: towards a renaissance?’, Landscape Research, 31:1, January 2006
Understanding and Valuing your Park, Parks Agency for Heritage Lottery Fund, March 2006
Parks and Gardens: a researcher’s guide to sources for designed landscapes, 3rd edition, London: Landscape Design Trust, 2006
The Cemetery in the Garden: 150 Years of the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium, London: Corporation of London, 2006
‘All rosy in the garden? The protection of historic parks and gardens’, in Architectural Conservation: Issues and Developments, 2006.
‘The Meaning and Re-Meaning of Sculpture in Victorian Public Parks’ in Sculpture and the Garden, ed. Patrick Eyres and Fiona Russell, 2006
‘From Manager to Conservationist: a two-year review of the City of London Cemetery Conservation Management Plan’, Journal of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management, Winter 2006
“Who Are You Calling Common?,” The London Gardener, 2006
‘Unspinning Enhancing Urban Green Space’, Spaces & Places, 24, December 2006
‘Restoration of parks is important to the public’, Horticulture Week, 15 February 2007
‘Assets and liabilities: what’s that park worth?’, Green Places 35, May 2007
‘Rituals of Transgression in Public Parks in Britain, 1846 to the Present’, in Performance and Appropriation: Profane Rituals in Gardens and Landscapes, ed. Michel Conan, Harvard: Harvard University Press, 2007.
‘Keep a hard copy!’ Garden Design Journal, August 2007.
“Estuary English,” The London Gardener, 2007
Golf in Historic Parks and Landscapes, with Land Use Consultants, English Heritage / DEFRA leaflet, 2007
“To the Barricades!”, The London Gardener, 2008
‘Country parks: a historical perspective,’ in A New Era for Country Parks, ed. Kim Haigh, Countryside Recreation Network, 2009.
“Public Parks and the Big Society,” The London Gardener, 2010
‘The repair and regeneration of public parks,’ Context, 118, March 2011.
‘The Cemeteries Select Committee Inquiry Revisited,’ English Heritage Conservation Bulletin, no.66, Summer 2011.
“Half in Love with Easeful Death,” The London Gardener, 2011
Jubilee-ation: a history of royal jubilees in public parks, Historic England, 2012.
“The Blackamoor & the Georgian Garden”, New Arcadian Journal, review, Garden History, 40:1, 2012
Todd Longstaffe Gowan, The London Square, review, The Victorian, November 2012
‘Wentworth Castle in the Welfare State: the road to a public landscape,’ in Wentworth Castle and Georgian Political Gardening,’ ed. Patrick Eyres, 2012
“Reason not the Need!”, The London Gardener, 2013
‘The Use and Reception of Historic Gardens,’ in A Cultural History of Gardens in the Age of Enlightenment, ed. Stephen Bending, London: Bloomsbury, 2013
‘Researching historic parks and gardens’ and ‘The history and the future of public parks’ in Marion Harney, ed., Gardens and Landscapes in Historic Building Conservation, Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2014.
‘Thinking about “Rethinking Parks”’, The London Gardener, vol.18, 2014
War Memorial Parks and Gardens, English Heritage, Introduction to Heritage Assets, https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/iha-war-memorial-parks-gardens/ 2014
‘A Living Monument: Memorial Parks of the First and Second World Wars,’ Garden History 42: supplement 1, 2014.
‘The “Exclusive Spirit” at Regent’s Park.’ The London Gardener, vol.19, 2015.
‘POPS Muzak,’ The London Gardener, vol.20, 2016
‘Mavis Batey’ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/108264
‘A History of Conservation Areas and the protection of parks and open spaces’ Context, March 2017
‘The Gardens Trust,’ Context, May 2017
‘Public parks are being neglected,’ The Times, 18.2.17.
‘Running out of Control,’ The London Gardener, vol.21, 2017
‘In austerity Britain, people need parks,’ The Guardian, 26.12.17.
‘A Beautiful Balance? Edward Kemp and Grosvenor Park, Chester,’ Garden History, 66: suppl.1, 2018
‘Dawn of the Dark Ages,’ Historic England Heritage On-line Debate, no.7, 2018
‘A Short History of the Great Vine at Hampton Court,’ The London Gardener, vol.22, 2018
‘Parks for People: gone for good?’ The London Gardener, vol.22, 2018
‘Extinction Rebellion and ‘Guerilla Gardening’: a new wave of ecological direct action.’ The Morning Star, 13 June 2019
‘Gardens and the Climate Emergency,’ The Gardens Trust, GT News 11, Autumn 2019.
‘Rebel Gardening,’ The London Gardener, vol.23, 2019.
‘The role of parks in the recovery from covid’, June 2020, Parks Management Forum discussion paper
‘We’ll always have Paris’? August 2020, Royal Society for the Arts
‘Attacking the Lungs: covid and public parks’ The London Gardener 24, 2020
‘On Uncertainty,’ Self & Society, Magazine no.6, Association for Humanistic Psychology in Britain, Winter 2021
‘Memorials and Public Parks,’ with Helen Monger, Context, 167, March 2021
Closing speech at trial of the Shell Seven, Informed Dissent, April 2021
‘A defence of criminal damage,’ Royal Society for the Arts blog, May 2021,
‘Environmental activism: in defence of criminal damage’, Self & Society, 49 (1), Spring 2021
‘Extinction Rebellion and Racism’, Stroud against Racism Newsletter 2021
‘The Madness of Avocados,’ The London Gardener, 25, 2021
‘Juries keep letting Extinction Rebellion off the hook — here’s why,’ Evening Standard 5 April 2022
‘The Uncertain Activist’, Resilience, 2 May 2022
‘Why Black Lives Matter to Garden History,’ WHGT Bulletin, 81, Summer 2022
‘The impact of climate change on parks and gardens,’ Horticulture Week, 29 November 2022
‘My Garden’s Boundaries are the Horizon: gardening and grief in a collapsing climate,’ The London Gardener, 26, 2022
‘The Challenges of Climate Change,’ with Sarah Couch, GT News 21, Spring 2023, pp.18-19
“Thoughts on Gardens and Grief”, April 2023, Radicle from @decolonisethegarden,
Learning to Love Long Grass, Parks Management Association blog, 2023
‘Should public parks put biodiversity first?’ Gardeners’ World Magazine, October 2023
‘Learning to Love Long Grass, The London Gardener, 27, 2023
‘Beyond being Hopeful: a question for the RSA,’ Royal Society for the Arts, RSA Circle, February 2024
‘Hopeless: some questions about hope and modernity,’ February 2024, Resilience
‘Gardens and Climate Change,’ The Wider View: Gloucestershire Gardens and Landscape Trust Journal, Issue 5, 2024, pp.10-13.
‘Leap into Death.’ Amplify Stroud, September 2024
‘Meanwhile: community gardens, resilience and relinquishment’, The London Gardener, 28, 2024